Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal Cookies Blueberry

Blueberry Baked Oat Bars! Subtly sweet from blueberries and honey and fabricated with Quaker Erstwhile Fashioned Oats which are 100% whole grain, these Blueberry Baked Oat Bars will exist your new favorite summer snack! Bake these for your kids, or for yourself and your friends, and enjoy!

blueberry baked oat bars

This post is sponsored by The Quaker Oats Company, but all opinions are my ain.

This last year and a half has taught me to savour the piffling things. Spending time with my kids and husband, going for a walk outside, picking up some fresh, beautiful flowers and blistering something succulent in the kitchen with my children. These are the moments I volition e'er think.

I can't believe this summertime is almost over and soon nosotros will be starting the new school year again. My kids first camp tomorrow. I found a fashion and sewing campsite for my girls and got them into the same class. My kids are getting older and and so we have been trying to permit the girls try new things, in hopes that they find what interests them and what they are passionate about.

Blueberry Broiled Oat Confined

Madeline loves blistering and loves being in the kitchen. Her new thing is helping me chop vegetables. She's 10 and trying to better her pocketknife skills. The girls are both interested in clothes and fashion and then we'll run into if the sewing camp sparks anything. And every bit far equally baking goes, I take that covered on my end. I allow them have gratuitous reign in my kitchen. The just matter I enquire: that they clean up after themselves.

We baked these Blueberry Baked Oat Bars back in May and have been baking them every few weeks or so. They are and then skilful and come together and so quickly, all in ane bowl!

I honey that they are not too sweet and y'all can really taste the oats and blueberries. Subtly sweet from blueberries and honey and made with Quaker Former Fashioned Oats which are 100% whole grain, these Blueberry Baked Oat Bars will be your new favorite summer snack! We really promise y'all endeavour the recipe!

Blueberry Baked Oat Bars

There is no flour in this recipe. This is more of a baked oatmeal recipe. If you permit cool for a few hours later blistering, y'all tin can slice into confined and enjoy!

Prep Time v mins

Cook Time 50 mins

Total Time 55 mins

Course: Breakfast or Snack

Cuisine: American

Keyword: baked oat bars, Blueberry, Blueberry oat bars, oat bars

Servings: 12

  • 2 1/iv cups Quaker Former Fashioned Oats
  • 2/3 cup sliced almonds
  • two teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1/four teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • ane teaspoon blistering powder
  • one teaspoon kosher table salt
  • ane 3/4 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • four tablespoons honey
  • 2 large eggs
  • three tablespoons unsalted butter melted
  • one teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 2 1/2 cups fresh blueberries split
  • Preheat your oven to 375 F and grease a nine x xiii-inch blistering dish and line with parchment paper. Using a large mixing bowl, mix together the Quaker Old Fashioned Oats, the almonds, cinnamon, nutmeg, blistering powder, salt, almond milk, honey, eggs, melted butter and vanilla until combined. Add in ii cups of the blueberries and mix together one final fourth dimension.

  • Pour mixture into the prepared blistering dish and sprinkle on the remaining i/2 cup blueberries over the tiptop. Bake in the oven for well-nigh l minutes. Remove from the oven and bask right away while hot with a spoon, or permit cool for at least two hours, slice into bars and savor!

For my favorite spiced oatmeal raisin cookies, click here!

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